Saturday, July 31, 2010


There are always reasons to put yourself down. Life is always wavy with its ups and downs. There are times i feel alone, sad, negative and hopeless. But, it will always come back up. No matter what, your life will always turn around.
And, always remember the good things people say. Don't let the negative comments cover up the good.

This week i went to NC state design camp. One of the best weeks of my life. There are so many things that happened that upset me, but overall it was amazing, and because i chose to focus on the good, i had a great experience.

The new people i met.
Winning the "best overall" award. [honestly i was surprised]
My stop motion video. the funnest, toughest and most time consuming thing ever, but definitely payed off!
Getting absolutely no sleep, and staying up super late with everyone (i'm saying two or three in the morning every night and waking up at 7)
The whole schedule and way everything was set up.
I learned that i'm mostly attractive to guys because of their smile. no joke.
I learned also that i have the capability of extreme patience.

The Bad:
missing kendra and other friends.
the same unappetizing food
the physical pain from working on something hardcore 10 hours a day (my finger got swollen from all the xacto blading i had to do, my back hurt from leaning over the camera during the stop motion process, my back hurting from sitting on stools, etc)

You can see some of what i did on facebook and i'll upload pictures in about a month (they took many pictures of us during the camp and it takes about 30 days for them to send them they say....)

I absolutely loved my experience and am definitely going to nc state and doing a half in half in the design school and textile school.

Much love,
your ever growing, always learning


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like so much fun and a lot of work! I totally feel you on the physical pain from projects thing.

    It's great to have you back. =)
