Tuesday, April 19, 2011

feeling beefy

The unbudging grudge.
If i think about my past, many unforgivable instances have happened.
Things that bring up anger, selft doubt, confusion and even hatred.
Its hard to let go of things that people have done that offend you.
Its easy to justify why you dont need to ever forgive. but you do.
You never know someones true intent for doing what they did.
You never know what they have been through or experienced to get them at that point.
You never know how badly you couldve hurt someone even if it didnt seem that bad to you.
Change your perspective. and forgive.
give them the benefit of the doubt and start over.

It wont be easy. It has taken me about two years to get over something that was completely ridiculous.
At many times i feel like the person hasnt deserved their justice.
But they will. leave that out of your hands.
even if their life is easier than yours in the long run, the experience may have benefitted you over time in a way you cant even realized.
it many have made you stronger, tougher and more experienced to handle the harshness of the world.
although it may be unfair, frustrating, ridiculous, forgive.
the person still hasnt apologized and maybe its because they havent realized what they did.
the day, if it ever happens, that they forgive will be amazing closure.
and a huge burden for possibly both will be lifted.

if you have done something to someone, you think about it often but believe theyve gotten over it, it doesnt matter.
apologize to them. maybe you dont have to say anything, but show in your actions.
if you think about it, youd want someone to apologized for something they did to you,
so apologize to someone you need to.
even if its difficult.

for now, ill pretend that everythings okay and it never happened.
i've frogiven them and thats all i can do.
I cant force them to do anything at all.
do your part and forgive and apologize.

life is too short to waste any human relationships.



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