I feel new found purpose. new hope. new importance. at just the perfect time for this place in my life, for my new beginning. my new venture off into the college world.
it feels oh so good to finally let something go. to finally leave something that was never good and hopeful in the first place. this weight is lifted. lifted so high itll never come down.
this may sound completely ridiculous, but the past couple of weeks i have felt a completely new view on life. that my frontal lobe finally developed. i dont care about things that dont matter and i wont let anyone bring me down. nothing effects me like it used to. worries that used to worry me worry me no more. i must always be prepared for anything. i must always be acting the best way, for anything. who knows who i'll meet in college. who knows how ill do and whatll happen, but i know itll be good.
this time is a time of endings. ending public school. ending home life. ending that burden that wore me down. ending of the old jeanette.
and onto the new venture. the new home. the new life.
but the same me.
much love,
Good luck Sweetie. I know that you will do amazing things with your life!