In life, many of us make frequent accomplishments. To me, i seem to have not made any recently. I find that somewhat discouraging because i try hardest to succeed.
Life has so much importance to me, and every minute should be used fulfillingly. I try to smile at one more person passing by or listen to one more friend. When im at a low point in my life, i find that the most successful way to bring myself up is to help others. Charity is important and should be a daily habit. I wish drastic things like feeding everyone and providing safety for those in danger. But acts of charity start little. It's hard balancing normal life {school, work, etc.} and doing those extra tasks for others, but kindness doesn't have to be difficult. If you feel like you're not doing enough or you need easy ideas to help others, here are some suggestions.
-smile as much as possible. as cheesy as it sounds it makes a difference to everyone you pass.
-make compliments. i absolutely love when people compliment me, and what goes around comes around.
-make letters or notes to those who have made a positive influence in your life, or those who you feel inspired to uplift. I rarely recieve cards in the mail,but when i do, i never forget them.
Charity is limitless.
The other day, i was thinking about how easily forgotten successes in my life have become. I think it's important to give yourself recognition for what you've done, but don't go overboard.
here are some things i've accomplished or participated in...
-i received 2nd place in the state fair for a skirt i made. yes, its not a big deal, but it made me realize that i am good at something i love. I'm really hard on myself, so this was a good lucky experience.
-Although I'm a huge quitter, i....did volleyball in 7th grade, dance for about 5 years, and did saxaphone for 2 months.
-I proudly have not given up piano and am constantly reminded of my improvement from my family.
-I absolutely love designing and sewing and have completed sewing about 5 dresses and am working on my 6th.
-i did modeling at the beginning of last year but ended because i realized it wasn't exactly for me. (not only am i too short for about anything related to modeling, but it was very degrading to my self esteem)
-for my whole life except up til 2009, i have been the only one in my imidiate family without glasses or allergies. I now, have 15/15 with astigmatism, and allergies to bees and penicillin ( and possibly grass).
I wouldn't call all those accomplishments, but mostly experiences in my life.
Obviously, i'm not perfect. and i dont want to be. Imperfection creates diversity and interest in our lives.