Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So, after 4 months of seperation, my sister came back. I was extremely excited. Mainly because all of my parents focus would be split up, because its very overwhelming. Also, i wouldn't be all alone upstairs. I also would have someone to constantly be with me, because honestly i really don't like being by myself and try to avoid it as much as possible.
My sister knows me very well and because we're so much older than we were before [yes, it's true, i age also] we get along pretty good. She loves how i always point out her habits [like cracking her knuckles or making weird noises while imitating something,which i do love her for] She has influenced me alot in my life. Here's a list of some of them.
Jessica's many influences
-being emotional during any time, is ok.
-that you should see if its uncomfortable to not wear underwear (she made me at about age 3)
- you don't get anything in life without work, so to get the best, you work the hardest
- its best to watch absolutely every movie premiere for each movie coming out
-that my fashion sense rarely exists and almost everything i wear deserves a laugh.
-always always be yourself no matter how dorky you look (honestly, she, unlike me is very confident in dancing, being a dork, showing her excitement and competition in everything) dont worry, its a good thing!!
-once you get a candy/chocolate you should savor it for as long as possible [unlike me, who eats it incredibly fast, and somehow it doesnt show much)
-never stop bothering your parents until you get what you want/need

thats definitely not all, but its a ton of the ones that i know she'll be yelling at me later for posting them up. But i dont think she will, cause she should know that none of its embarassing, but merely showing how amazing she is :)

yay for sisters!!

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