Friday, May 21, 2010

today you are you

Today you are you,
that is truer than true.
There is no one alive
who is youer than you.
{dr. seuss}

I spend way too much of my time feeling sorry for myself. Sorry for my imperfections and the mistakes i've made. Sorry for how others have thought about me, and even how i've imagined they have thought about me. My mind always fights with its self.
"jeanette....they're probably judging you"
"even if they are, they don't know who i really am"
It's incredibly pitiful and depressing. Honestly, i am who i am. I am the only one experiencing everything i do daily. I am the only Jeanette Kosorok in the world, and that is enough to not let those thoughts effect me. This is me, and no matter what people think, they don't know me as well as i do.
Today, i am Jeanette. and i always will be. No matter what changes physically or mentally. I can be myself in the best possible way. And i will.

join me. in the realization of your own personal beauty and the countless ways to celebrate it.

(worse in real life) my interesting skin condition (look in past posts for a better explanation)

Apparently i have an extremely rare condition. It's called winged scapula. See how my shoulder blades are poking out? Normal peoples only do that when they try to, mine are just settled that way. (look at your back in the mirror, and you won't see this...unless you're one of the one-in-a-million) My trainer pointed it out yesterday and showed another fitness trainer. I felt like a freak show. I told him and he laughed (in a jeanette-you-are-so-wrong way)
(sorry for being a bit graphic) See that red blotch? It's a tick bite i found last week. I found the tick and pulled it instantly out in fear. luckily i got the whole thing and it's dying slowly in a bubble in a piece of tape on my counter.
I haven't taken Remmy out in awhile. She always loves being free.

This is how she repaid me. (3 poops and some pee)

I love you. you. I love you for who you are. I will always be there to celebrate it with you.

Much Love,



  1. This is hilarious, I too have come to this realization very recently. Sometimes when I read your blog I think that we're thinking the same thing. Isn't that crazy that a high-schooler and a mother of two can be on the same page like that? I'm sure, like you said, that it's in our own way but, I think we'd get each other. So anyway, If you ever want to chat about it, chances are I'm feeling the same way. =) Love you too!

  2. Oh, and Nick's back is the same way. And this might be weird, but someday someone will think you're just as hot as I think Nick is. Okay, sorry, weird I know, but TRUE.
